
OpenPOWER Foundation and Community Members to showcase at SC22 Conference in Dallas, TX!

By OpenPower Foundation

November 10, 2022

OPF will be showcasing our LibreBMC project and talking about all things open hardware and software. The best part is that we won’t be alone, as we have a number of OPF community members and partners showcasing at our booth as well, including Open Compute Project, Axiado, Raptor Computing, Oregon State University, and TORmem.

Read the article here

Mashing Up CXL And OpenCAPI For Shared Disaggregated Memory

By Timothy Prickett Morgan, The Next Platform

November 7, 2022

The industry is impatient for disaggregated and shared memory for a lot of reasons, and many system architects don’t want to wait until PCI-Express 6.0 or 7.0 transports are in the field and the CXL 3.0 and beyond protocols that ride on it to reach out to external memory have been tweaked to do proper sharing across servers.

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Systems Not Software

By Steven White, CTO

February 3rd, 2022

In the world of technology, much of the focus is on software as the center of value. Many of us that design, develop or invest in emerging technologies see software as exciting and dynamic, whereas hardware is often regarded as a solved problem, and so maybe not as interesting.

Read the blog here.

TORmem Joins OpenCAPI Consortium

By Thao Nguyen, CEO

December 19th, 2021

TORmem is proud to announce that we are joining the OpenCAPI consortium, a new, leading group within the industry dedicated to enabling the future of low-latency disaggregated memory.

Read the blog here.

Building Hardware During a Pandemic

By Steven White, CTO

October 10th, 2021

The global pandemic has affected the technology industry in a number of ways. While it has led to more growth in cloud and data center services as many of our routine daily activities such as work, school and entertainment move online, it has brought about new challenges in hardware design, manufacture and distribution. This is impacting both current and new products alike.

At TORmem, we are focused on realizing our vision of One Memory for All. A key part of this strategy is designing, manufacturing and distributing our disaggregated memory appliances. Our entire product development cycle is taking place during the pandemic, which creates a unique set of challenges for our team as we navigate this unprecedented industry situation.

Read the blog here.

Why Disaggregated Memory?

One memory for all. A single disaggregated bank of high-speed memory for the whole rack.

Our technology enables In-Memory Computing (IMC) at data center scale.

Optimize cost, accelerate current workloads, and enable new ones with us.